Remove all BeyondPress information from this document? You can’t Undo this operation.
The preview window could not be created or cleared.
The preview is not accurate because one or more items could not be successfully mapped.
Unknown error, can’t anchor box in text.
This box is permanently anchored from within QuarkXPress. It can’t be re-anchored from the Content List.
Can’t anchor a box which contains anchored boxes.
Can’t anchor into an anchored box.
Could not create style sheets in the preview window.
The selected text contains multiple paragraphs. Links and link targets must be contained within a single paragraph.
The selected text contains another link source or link target. Link sources and link targets can’t overlap.
Can’t tag a text range which overlaps another tagged range.
This document was tagged with a pre-beta version of ^P.
This document was tagged with a newer version of ^P.
This document was tagged with an older version of ^P.
This document has been edited without ^P present.
Removing document tags...
Close the document without saving to maintain tags.
Verifying document tags…
Updating document tags…
extra document tags were found and removed.
missing document items were removed from the Content List.
Some document Master Elements do not match ^P Master Elements.
Some document Master Styles do not match ^P Master Styles.
different elements were updated to match ^P elements.
different styles were updated to match ^P styles.
new elements were added to ^P.
new styles were added to ^P.
Can’t combine text segments which are not contiguous.
another part of this document
Unable to make URLs for files that are not within a specified Web Site. Specify Web Site folders and URLs in the ^P Site Preferences.
In order to use this feature, you must first specify at least one Web Site folder and URL in your ^P Site Preferences.
There is no current Web page in the specified browser.
Verify that all elements in the Content List still exist in the document? (Extra elements will be removed permanently.)
Document Verification
There is not enough memory to open the selected browser. To make more memory available, try quitting other applications.
Unable to locate the specified browser. Use the HTML Browser button in the General Preferences dialog box to relocate your browser.
^P initialization failed.
^P will not run on this machine. ^P requires a 68020 or better processor.
^P will not run on this system. ^P requires System 7 and the AppleEvents manager.
^P will not run on this system. ^P requires various MacOS features which are not present.
out-of-order items were rearranged in the Content List.
Item anchoring aborted — the text box you are anchoring into no longer exists.
Item anchoring aborted — the box you are anchoring no longer exists.
Link creation aborted — the text you are linking from no longer exists.
Segment creation aborted — the text box you are segmenting no longer exists.
Error creating or reading from the “^P Preferences” file.
^P will not operate.
The “^P Preferences” file is from an incompatible version of ^P. Please remove it from the System Preferences folder.
Item names can’t contain the characters ‘:’, ‘/’, ‘%’ or ‘#’.
Set item name without these characters?
^P is not configured for this System language and will not operate.
^P is not configured to run with this copy of QuarkXPress.
Please contact ^D for more information.
This copy of ^P will only run with the educational version of QuarkXPress.
Please contact ^D for more information.
^P will not run with this version of QuarkXPress.
Please contact ^D for more information.
^P will be disabled because the hardware key is not installed. See the ^P documentation for installation instructions.
^P will be disabled because the hardware key is no longer available. You must shut down your machine to reinstall the hardware key.
Remove selected elements? You can’t Undo this operation.
Remove this element and all contained elements? You can’t Undo this operation.
This Master Element contains an unterminated macro name.
Macro expansion of a Master Element failed, due to a circular reference.
Macro expansion of a Master Element failed, due to an unresolved reference.
A character mapping file was unreadable.
Reset all preferences to application defaults? You can’t Undo this operation.
^P has been altered and will not operate. Contact ^D at ^C for assistance.
Another copy of BeyondPress or CyberPress has already been loaded on this machine. Please remove one copy from your QuarkXPress or XTensions folder.
An error occurred when trying to locate your Shared Images folder. Please select a Shared Images folder from your ^P Preferences.
JPEG images must be at least 16 by 16 pixels in size. Please select another format for this image.
The specified browser is not running, so no URL can be copied.
This document has been tagged with ^0. If you save it while using ^1, your ^0 tags will be lost.
Macintosh Drag and Drop is not available. ^P Drag and Drop features will be disabled. See ^P installation instructions for details.
Can’t anchor multiple items at once into a text chain.
Host specified by the URL could not be found.
File could not be found on the host.
Timeout occurred retrieving the HTML text.
Download interrupted.
This BeyondPress serial number is invalid. BeyondPress will not load until you provide a valid serial number.
This BeyondPress serial number will not work with this System language. Please contact Astrobyte for a valid serial number.
This serial number will not work with this version of BeyondPress. Please provide a valid serial number.
This BeyondPress serial number will not work on this platform. Please provide a new serial number.
Too many copies of BeyondPress with this serial number are running. Please quit another copy before running this one.
An error occurred during background image compression.
An error occurred during background image decompression.
Insufficient memory to load BeyondPress. BeyondPress requires a minimum QuarkXPress memory partition of 4096K. Additional XTensions require more memory.
This BeyondPress demo serial number has expired. Please contact Astrobyte for a valid serial number.
An error occured while reading preferences from this document.
The document you have selected is not an AOL Form document.